Feeding birds makes a world of difference to an individual life as well as the entire planet. It helps to restore the balance of nature. Feeding birds helps more birds and their offspring to survive. The most noticeable benefit of feeding birds is simply the pleasure and inner calmness that their company can bring to us.
It is beneficial to provide food and water through specially designed containers called bird feeders which are easily available in the market or one can make bird feeders at home (DIY) by using used plastic bottles and earthen pots.
Bird feeding Tips
The Bird Table can be used for putting out kitchen scraps or the food items can just be placed on the kitchen windowsill. Leftover includes animal fats, grated cheese, over ripe fruit and soaked dried fruit, rice, breadcrumbs, nuts. Avoid putting out raw meat and vegetable which birds find difficult to digest and which can attract pests.
This is one picture from my home of feeding birds outside my kitchen window
Hang up feeders: Hang a variety of bird feeders at different levels and fill them up with treats such as seed mixes, peanuts and fat balls.
A Ground feeder is a good idea

Many birds such as blackbirds, robins and thrushes prefer to feed on the ground. A ground feeder provides a safe space to feed them their favorite foods including seeds and pieces of fruit.
Fresh water to drink and bathe
When it comes to water, birds get most of what they need from natural resources and rainwater. However when they find a convenient water source like a bird bath or a water feature, they will prefer this instead of travelling to a distant natural source.
It is always better to have food and drinks at one place.
Get neighbors involved
Expand a bird’s local habitat by insisting that neighbors participate with additional space, perches and food available. It will surely attract more birds to the feeders.
Patience and consistency are very important
After installing a bird feeder, it may take days or even weeks for birds to discover your feeding station. If a bird feeder is installed during the summer and spring seasons when food is readily available to the birds, they may take longer to start using a feeder. During the cold months of the year, birds need to consume more food to thermo-regulate their bodies and are hungry more often. Therefore they are more likely to find your feeder sooner.
What time of day do birds eat?
Typically birds like to eat early in the morning. Bird feeders should be full at dawn so the birds will find it first thing when they are searching.
Do birds know who feed them?
They may not know how food gets inside the feeder. But they keep checking. On the other hand, birds may see you put food in the feeder, or they may have learned that after people go near the feeder, there may be a new supply of food.
Food items dangerous for birds: 
- Avocado
- Caffeine
- Chocolate
- Onions and garlic
- Salty snacks
- Mushrooms
- Dried beans
- Although dairy products have found to be not technically toxic, it has been observed that birds species cannot digest lactose. As the amount of dairy in the diet increases, birds can develop diarrhea.
- The seed that attracts the widest variety of birds is sunflower.
Once you start feeding, DO NOT STOP!
Author: Neha Gedam
Neha loves nature & animals. Her personal goal is to create awareness about street animals and their poor lives. She loves to travel around the globe, especially to naturally beautiful places and to learn about the different flora and fauna there.