It's always a good idea to keep oneself equipped with a basic first aid kit, because emergencies could arise for your near and dear ones, other individuals and animals. Your first aid kit in the house or in your car that could be used for an injured or sick animal could include the following items:
- Absorbent gauze pads/Gauze rolls/bandages
- Cotton balls and swabs
- Adhesive tape/bandage tape
- Antiseptic wipes
- Antiseptic agent (Betadine, Savlon) - for disinfecting wounds
- Sterile normal saline(NS) solution to flush out and clean wounds (sold at pharmacies)
- Antiseptic powder like Neosporin
- Negasunt powder (good for maggot wounds. Can be applied after cleaning wound with saline or betadine. Can also be applied as a liquid mixture of betadine and powder)
- D’mag or Scavon Spray. Either spray when applied to open wounds, will prevent occurrence of maggots.
- Anti-vomit medication (Ondem or Perinorm liquid)
- Melonex (veterinary painkiller) or Crocin liquid {both to be given under clear instructions of a vet}
- Glucose paste or glucose water (for diabetic dogs or those with low blood sugar)
- Non-prescription antibiotic ointment
- Hydrogen peroxide (to induce vomiting in case the animal has eaten something harmful — do this only when directed by a veterinarian)
- Rectal thermometer (temperature should not rise above 103°F or fall below 100°F)
- Petroleum jelly (to lubricate the thermometer)
- Rubbing alcohol (spirit) to clean the thermometer
- Benadryl, if approved by a veterinarian for allergic reactions. A veterinarian must tell you the correct dosage for your pet's size.
- Plastic eyedropper or syringe
- Towels
- Blanket
- Scissors (with blunt ends)
- Tweezers - to pull out splinters or ticks
- Ice pack
- Disposable gloves
- Penlight or flashlight
- Temporary identification tag (to put your local contact information on your pet's collar when you travel)
- A pillowcase to confine a cat for treatment
- Copies of important medical records and a current photo of your pet (in case they gets lost)
- An extra leash and collar
- Muzzle or strips of cloth to prevent biting (don't use this if the animal is vomiting, choking, coughing or otherwise having difficulty breathing)