Diwali is truly one of the biggest festivals we celebrate with lights, ‘mithai’, family get togethers, new clothes and so much fun! While the government has banned firecrackers, because of the soaring pollution, we somehow continue to hear the booming sounds all around us. People’s enthusiasm to celebrate Diwali by bursting firecrackers has not gone down at all.
While people enjoy the festivities, let’s reflect a moment to see how firecrackers affect the animals and birds that are exposed to those deafening sounds. Let’s also understand what we as sensitive human beings can do to calm them down.
Our Pet Dogs
- Notice their behavior change when the loud firecrackers boom in the sky. At that time, stop what you are doing and give them attention. Talk to them gently. Just your reassuring voice will help. Let them come sit next to you, in your bed, on your lap wherever they feel the physical protection of you.

- Speak to your vet for any medication to calm them down. Do not self-medicate them.
- When your house is swarming with guests, do not lock them away in empty rooms where they may be extremely anxious. Share duties to be with them as the evening progresses.
- Turn on the TV to drown loud external noises so that they feel that all is well in the world.
- Do not take them out in the peak hour of the festivities. Unpredictable loud noises can frighten them a lot.
- If they want to head right back in fright, do not force them to continue with their walk.
- Allow them to use a family space like a bathroom in case they are too frightened to go outside.
- Give them special treats so that they get some comfort from food; but do not feed them sweets.
Our Pet Cats
- Open closets where cats feel the safest to hide when they are scared.
- Give them toys that they like to play with in the safety of their rooms
- Keep food, water and litter close to their hideout zones

Community and Street Animals
- Be aware of the plight of street animals that are often subject to human abuse. Make sure that nobody throws or scares street animals with firecrackers. At such moments, it’s a good idea to explain to those people about how loud sounds upset and bring fear to animals because of their very sensitive ears. Let us be conscious of what we can do as residents.
- Speak to residents in your colony to be kind to the stray animals of the colony.
- Allow community animals and the strays to take shelter in your porches or terraces on the day so that they feel safer when the outside world seems scary to them.
- Place water and food near your house so that they don’t have to hunt too far on a day that makes them uncomfortable.

- We think birds are not affected by our festivities. However, they get very disturbed with the extra lights, noise and pollution. You can hear them chirping late at night because they are unable to rest in their nests and trees.
- Try to be aware of resident birds on the trees that you may be thinking of lighting up.
- Remember that pollution affects their respiratory tracts too and include this in your message to people who are not aware of this aspect.
- Keep food and water out for birds in your balconies for the morning after.

Cattle and Horses
- Be aware that even animals like cattle and horses are scared of the sound of firecrackers.
- Check on them if they live near your residential areas.
- Try not to light up areas where cattle and horses rest at night.ConclusionThis list is unending because there are so many creatures around us – the bees, squirrels, little insects, frogs, snakes and so many more. They all get disturbed and frightened with man’s actions on many occasions. Our best bet is to be aware, conscious and kind to the life that surrounds us. Make this Diwali truly perfect by spreading the festive cheer and kindness to all living beings around you

This list is unending because there are so many creatures around us – the bees, squirrels, little insects, frogs, snakes and so many more. They all get disturbed and frightened with man’s actions on many occasions. Our best bet is to be aware, conscious and kind to the life that surrounds us. Make this Diwali truly perfect by spreading the festive cheer and kindness to all living beings around you.

Author: Seemeen Khan
Consumer behaviour specialist who has worked for top research firms like Kantar IMRB, AC Nielsen who started her career 25 years back. Has just started an online training initiative. An animal enthusiast who has shared her life with many animals like dogs, cats, hens, rabbits, birds and goats. Active blogger who also engages in theatre, music and the creative arts.