Taking a pet into your home , making him part of the family , creating memories with them is one of life’s most precious gifts, but unfortunately sometimes we are forced to take them to the VET and with our heart breaking ask to end their life, because the suffering they are going through is harder to witness.

But even with their pets taking a highly important place to ones life, some owners just can’t bring themselves to be present when those dearly animals of them , give their last breath , the pain is too much to bear for them so they let the vet to handle those final moments.
Now an anonymous Vet , wants to share the heartbreaking thoughts of those final moments.
The vet’s message:
“When you are a pet owner it is inevitable, the majority of the time, that your pet will die before you do. So if and when you have to take your pet to the vet’s office for a humane pain-free ending I want you all to know something.
You have been the center of their world for THEIR ENTIRE LIVES!!! They may just be a part of yours but all they know is you as their family. It is a crappy decision/day/time/even every time, there is no argument against that and it is devastating for us as humans to lose them. But please I beg you DO NOT LEAVE THEM.
Do not make them transition from life to death in a room of strangers in a place they don’t like. The thing you people need to know that mose of you don’t is that THEY SEARCH FOR YOU WHEN YOU LEAVE THEM BEHIND!!!!
They search every face in the room for their loved person. They don’t understand why you left them when they are sick, scared, old or dying from cancer and they need your comfort.
Don’t be a coward because you think it is just too hard for YOU, imagine what they feel as you leave them in their most vulnerable time and people like me are left to try our best every time to comfort them, make them less scared and try to explain why you just couldn’t stay.
From a tired and broken-hearted vet.”
Please owners, we know its hard , but they need us on those final moments more than everything, don’t let them alone .
Source: https://latestreadings.com/heartbroken-vet-reveals-what-pets-do-minutes-before-being-put-to-sleep/?fbclid=IwAR0GhKj8V3P5kSqIeP8vnJEpsT0FyzCMgtM5-V2l90TtFIO-LbakSWt5-C4