The All India Radio (Akashvani_AIR), on the occasion of animal welfare fortnight (14.01.2022 to 31.01.2022), conducted a national broadcast program, "Space for All Creatures Great and Small." Those who were invited included STRAW India, Creatures Great and Small and Woof Yums. Ipsita Sarkar, Manager - Humane Education, representing STRAW India was one of the panellists in the discussion and shared the panel with Ms Anajali Gopalan, Managing Trustee - ACGS, Mr Jotvinder Singh, Animal rights activist and entrepreneur. It was moderated by the famous G. Rajaraman of the All India Radio.
They discussed about the animal welfare issues in India, what is being done and what more can be done and most importantly how humane education for children helps them learn to be kind to animals and grow up to be better human beings.
The All India Radio (Akashvani_AIR), on the occasion of animal welfare fortnight (14.01.2022 to 31.01.2022), conducted a national broadcast program, "Space for All Creatures Great and Small." Those who were invited included STRAW India, Creatures Great and Small and Woof Yums. Ipsita Sarkar, Manager - Humane Education, representing STRAW India was one of the panellists in the discussion and shared the panel with Ms Anajali Gopalan, Managing Trustee - ACGS, Mr Jotvinder Singh, Animal rights activist and entrepreneur. It was moderated by the famous G. Rajaraman of the All India Radio.
To Listen to the program, please click here: